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Get the Right Help

Why Use RCIC?

With so many different immigration policies, laws, and visa opportunities available, determining what to apply for and how to apply can be difficult. Fortunately, we work with a team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) who are here to help you navigate the immigration process.

With so many different immigration policies, laws, and visa options available, determining what to apply for and how to apply can be difficult. Fortunately, we work with a team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) who are here to help you navigate the immigration process.

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants, or RCICs, are legally authorized representatives and members of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants in good standing (CICC).


We work with specially trained and qualified consultants. and is intimately acquainted with Canadian immigration policies. Having an RCIC assist you with your Canadian visa application can greatly simplify the process. Consider the RCIC to be your personal assistant throughout your Canadian adventures.

Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Hire an RCIC

  1. Expertise
    Knowledge and experience are the key to providing our clients with a seamless service. Our team will not only be qualified to provide the services in question, but also will be regularly growing their knowledge through continuous professional development. We guarantee all of clients will be fully take care by our Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) on each case. 

  2. Trust 
    Clients will entrust us with very personal and significant matters, and we take that seriously. Our team will overcome obstacles, find solutions and deliver exceptional results.


  3. Commitment
    Situations do not come with a written script and so we ensure that our team will be committed and empowered in relation to the clients that they are working with. We will empower our professionals to be able to go the extra mile and provide an open minded and solution focused approach.


  4. Teamwork
    The team will consist of amazing individuals, but it is only through teamwork that we achieve greatness. Our team will be steered to work together like a football team; working towards a common goal.


  5. Diversity
    We value diversity in people and believe that working with people of different backgrounds and cultures not only helps employees to grow into better professionals, but also provides our clients with a personalized experience that is close to home.

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